Wednesday, 12 May 2010

I see light!

yes.. the light at the end of the tunnel is calling me to its warm arms.. i see it waving lovingly at me.. i must strive.. i cant succumb to the evil temptation of the internet and surf away from my target. I need to finish my thesis.. i NEED.

anyway, just wish to share this with everyone.. I've just downloaded a new app for my iPhone and i think it RAWKS! its called 开心听.. its basically a song downloading app. after listening to the zillions songs, it will download it into the app for you so that u will be able to listen to it again even without network (3G/Wifi). there are gazillion charts where u get the latest and newest chart topping songs.. English and Chinese alike.. there are even classical and songs suitable for yoga! truly blown away by this app~ (this is not an advertorial.. so don't worry!)
shall start my review blog soon.. just simply love reviewing things.. be it cosmetics, skin care, apps, programmes, shows, movies, travel locations, food etc.. basically i'm a born critic.. (pls do not read critical. i'm a nice and sweet gal.. :P )


Wednesday, 12 May 2010

I see light!

yes.. the light at the end of the tunnel is calling me to its warm arms.. i see it waving lovingly at me.. i must strive.. i cant succumb to the evil temptation of the internet and surf away from my target. I need to finish my thesis.. i NEED.

anyway, just wish to share this with everyone.. I've just downloaded a new app for my iPhone and i think it RAWKS! its called 开心听.. its basically a song downloading app. after listening to the zillions songs, it will download it into the app for you so that u will be able to listen to it again even without network (3G/Wifi). there are gazillion charts where u get the latest and newest chart topping songs.. English and Chinese alike.. there are even classical and songs suitable for yoga! truly blown away by this app~ (this is not an advertorial.. so don't worry!)
shall start my review blog soon.. just simply love reviewing things.. be it cosmetics, skin care, apps, programmes, shows, movies, travel locations, food etc.. basically i'm a born critic.. (pls do not read critical. i'm a nice and sweet gal.. :P )

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